Welcome to the B&G Pro Club!

The access to our Club is for registered members only!

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Just enter your email address and password:

As of May 15, 2024, we have strengthened the security of your professional club. Also, if you have not logged in since this date, your password is outdated and it is necessary to reset it.
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You are a member of the trade or media? Just register now to access our special services: wine fact sheets, image library, press desk, merchandising, education, publications and idea sharing.

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You will not register with us?

Then just return to B&G website.

Pétra Frébault

If you need assistance or additonal information on the B&G Pro Club, do not hesitate to contact us. .

Your B&G Pro Club guide.

Barton & Guestier

Barton & Guestier / Château Magnol
87 rue du Dehez - 33290 Blanquefort - FRANCE
Tel: +33 (0)5 56 95 48 00

Registration No°: 592 008 999 - Jurisdiction: France
Enjoy our wines responsibly
© 2020 - Barton & Guestier - All right reserved

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